I've been out and about pressing the flesh and our cards onto quiilters in hte area in an attempt to get us sewing.
so following some ideas from other MQGuilds in the world we are going to have a LOG CABIN CHALLENGE.
Now you may know Log cabin to be the basis of many designs and quilts you;ve seen . It;s an easy block to do and givesl ots of opportunity to show yr fabric and skill of colour choice .
So by the 14th June I'd love to see you 10 inch log cabin block .
here aresome examples for inspiration . http://www.flickr.com/groups/modernlogcabinquilting/
Good luck and happy sewing.
Can the leaders of this guild email me at heather (dot) grant (at) quiltcon (dot) com? I can't locate any contact info on this site for your group.